Saturday, August 24, 2013

Baby's First... [[Day at the Beach]]

Tootie's first day at the beach was a HUGE success! She loved it. We picked a great day to go since the weather was warm with overcast and it wasn't crazy windy like it usually is! When the breeze hit her face for the first time she closed her eyes like she was taking a deep breath of the fresh air =] Safe to say she is a fan of the great outdoors. I seriously couldn't get enough of her in her bikini! Every 5 minutes I kept saying how ADORABLE she was, I mean common, look at her! We plan on going tomorrow too since she loved it so much. This time we might try to twist the lid on all the way and not drop her bottle leaving us with one measly ounce... opps! Enjoy the photos of this beach bum!

(Pictures come up more clear if you click em ;])


  1. She is absolutely adorable! Where did you get that precious swimsuit? My husband and I just found out that we are having a little girl in January!

    1. Thank you!! Got the suit from Crazy 8 for their 4th of July sale =] Congrats on baby GIRL. It is so fun!
