Wednesday, June 26, 2013

[[38 Weeks]]

Yeah, I am terrible. Just couldn't work myself up to make a chalkboard this week... mostly because I was so sure she was going to be here by now but also because I have NO energy to do it. So instead... heres what week 38 has consisted of... 2 L&D Triage visits, lots of finger crossing, and NO BABY =[

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: +22 lbs [[143]]
Maternity clothes? Consists of oversized tee shirts and the biggest shorts I own... Pretty much don't leave the house now just waiting for my water to break or something so I could care less what I have on =D
Stretch marks? Who woulda thought that I would get a couple marks on my hips and nothing on my belly... like did I seriously get THAT wide!?
Sleep: Absolutely terrible. Her head is pushing on my nerves SO bad now and it sends shooting pains in my lower back and down my legs... so my anxiety and restless legs are awful at night.
Nausea: Nope
Best moment this week: Finding out I am 4cm dilated... which is kind of a catch 22 because I was so excited to find out I was already so far dilated, but now a week has gone by and still at 4 cm so I am constantly on my toes waiting for something, so every little contraction has me checking the clock and getting the hospital bag ready again.
Miss Anything? Everything...
Movement: Still active as ever, and think she has dropped cause her feet aren't all the way in my ribs as much any more and the movements are a lot lower in my pelvis.
Food cravings: Anything with no nutritional value what-so-ever.... and fruit =]
Anything making you queasy or sick: A real meal... I get about 5 bites in and I'm full or kinda nauseous. Especially subway.
Labor Signs: Every stinking day. The worst was 2 nights ago though, I was in SO much pain, my groin felt like it was broken and I had shooting pains in my back and down my legs and cramping and contractions... I was sure it was labor... but nope of course not.
Symptoms: Contractions daily
Belly Button in or out? Flat, sometimes pokes out a little
Wedding ring on or off? On, most of the time... if I get hot though it won't come off!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Well Im a moody momma when Faith tricks me like she has, but very excited that its almost time =]
Looking forward to: Holding my little faith

See? Im not actually pregnant, I just swallowed a watermelon ;] [Let me just add that this watermelon was so delicious that I ate the whole thing by myself, and that cantaloupe in the back] YUM!

Here's to hoping this is the last belly picture.

My favorite handmade headbands EVER!

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