Alright, yes! Its not even Thanksgiving yet and we are putting up the tree! I could not hold my excitement in any longer! I dont care how old I get or what people say, Christmas is the most AMAZING time of year. I could care less about getting gifts, or how much money we are gonna spend on giving gifts... It feels like its the one time of year where we all celebrate togetherness and being merry and having traditions. Its so much fun! I wish the world was like this all year round! Sucks that we don't have our family close to us to really celebrate with, but we do have some family about 4 or 5 hours away, or even just a call away ;] And a couple of great friends right down the road! This house is starting to feel like a home more and more every day and I love it! Cant wait for family to come visit!
So, Joel and I decided we'd get a little head start on the Christmas decorating, we needed some inspiration so we bought a Christian Christmas CD and ELF =] Whats Christmas spirit without Elf!? The second we got home we blasted our Christmas music and went to town on the tree! Something about decorations that brings such a warming welcoming feel =] Its kinda crazy to think this is actually our second Christmas together as a married couple when it totally feels like our first, just because we finally have our own place, our own tree, our own decorations... Its just finally US. I love this crazy little life of ours... we are always here and there and everywhere... so its nice to have a cozy home to come to every day to just relax and spend time together =]
Im telling you... The second he walks in the door... shirt off... pants off... luckily he kept his pants on for the tree decorating lol my silly boy =]
HAHA I thought he looked so cute straddling the tree like this! Like a little kid!

Favorite ornament from my pa last year =]
I have to admit that I really wanted the 9 foot tree and didnt even think about the star not fitting... Shh dont tell Joel... he will give me the good ol' "I told you so".
It. Is. Finished. (so far) ;]